Artemis Stellenanzeigen


Fetches job vacancies from the applicant tracking system (ATS) “ Artemis” by AVEO Solutions and displays them. Includes a search bar and pagination for easy navigation.

Um das Plugin zu verwenden, fügen Sie einfach auf Ihrer WordPress-Seite den folgenden Shortcode ein: [artemis-stellenanzeigen]
Im Shortcode kann optional die Url Ihrer Schnittstelle angegeben werden: z.B. [artemis-stellenanzeigen url=” https://YOUR-ARTEMIS-DOMAIN/GetAktuelleStellenanzeigen” ]
Diese Url wird dann gegenüber der Url in der Konfiguration bevorzugt verwendet.


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Contributors & Developers

“Artemis Stellenanzeigen” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Feature: Added a new setting in the plugin configuration allowing users to customize the number of jobs displayed per page (page size).
  • Tested with wordpress version 6.7


  • Updated settings page with enhanced descriptions, caching tips, and a reset button to restore default plugin settings
  • Tested with wordpress version 6.6.1


  • It is now possible to show the company logo in the job overview. This can be set in the plugin settings.


  • Bugfix: Jobtitles with long words didn’t break to new line.
  • Instructions updated.
  • Tested with wordpress version 5.8


  • Bugfix: Under certain circumstances, if there was a problem with the api-conncection an unhandled warning message appeared.


  • Bugfix: When the user clicked on the jobtitle, the details-page always opened in the actual browser-tab, regardless of the tab-setting in the plugin settings.


  • It is now possible to reset the search.
  • This update is tested with the latest version of wordpress (5.4.2).
  • Bugfix: Everytime the ‘search’-Button is pressed the page is now set back to 1.
  • Bugfix: Pagination wasn’t rendered in a single row.


  • In the plugins settings the user can now choose wether the details-page opens in a new tab or not.


  • In the plugins settings it is now possible to define a custom message for no database results.


  • An url can now be specified in plugins shortcode (e.g. [artemis-stellenanzeigen url=” https://YOUR-ARTEMIS-DOMAIN/GetAktuelleStellenanzeigen” ]).
    If there’s no url in the shortcode, the url in the plugin settings is used as fallback.


  • Searchbar can be hidden by user in the plugin settings.
  • Pagination gets automatically hidden, if there are 10 or less job offers in the database or the search results.


  • Short Description can be hidden by user in the plugin settings.